March 31, 2020 - Novel Covid-19 - A Horror Story
t's quite late. It is minutes away from April. It's been awhile since I captured my thoughts on paper. We are in self-isolation. We are in self-quarantine. Life is surreal.
Mason has been out school since, Friday March 13th. It was the start of his Spring Break that has now turned into home-based learning. His return to school date is May 1st, however we are not optimistic that date will stick. I'm not sure that I want it to.
We are all facing unprecedented times. It is rather frightening how fast this virus has spread, the many lives it has claimed, the many lives that it will still claim.
At home, we are focusing on the new "normal". Jamie has put Mason on a rather rigorous schedule to complete his daily schoolwork. We are both working from home, managing conference calls in between math questions and assisting e-learning, among other things. We are thankful that Mason loves to read. He has time to curl up with a great book as we weather this time.
Some may recall that I have an appointment with my oncologist tomorrow. It is a big one, at least for me. This is the appointment where they draw blood, perform analysis on that blood, and then bestow on me the oral cancer medication that will become part of my life for the next ten years. I am only hopeful that this med is a friend, not a foe.
Our plan was to journey to Atlanta in the wee hours of the 1st. Arrive for the appointment and then return home. However, my doctor was very concerned about the risks associated with me traveling to Atlanta and even navigating the North side campus to arrive at Atlanta Cancer Care. The risk of the virus was too great.
Instead, we are going to travel about 40 minutes to a Quest lab, have my blood drawn, and then have a virtual appointment sometime next week with my Oncologist. I must admit, I'm almost more nervous about walking into a "retail" Quest Lab, then walking into Northside. I understand that my fears may seem like an overreaction to some. In my mind, Quest is a target rich environment.
Nevertheless, I will arrive in style with my face mask and rubber gloves. I will not take any more chances than required. I am prayerful that the medical professions who see patients daily at Quest are healthy. I am prayerful for myself, for Jamie, and for Mason. As friendly as we are, we have no desire to meet the Corona virus.
We are self-isolating. We are practicing social distancing. Unfortunately, with a compromised immune system, my anxiety level is higher than normal. We've all read the reports, seen the charts, absorbed the projections. We all know how easy this virus spreads. I can't have gone through months of very difficult surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to be taken down by a respiratory killer.
I am thankful. I am thankful that my treatments ended on March 5th. I am thankful that I am not required to enter in a medical facility daily. Thank goodness my treatments ended before this virus had a chance to spread into our very own communities. My heart breaks for those who are just beginning their cancer fight. It is enough to worry about cancer cells invading our bodies. I can't imagine adding the stress of a novel virus. A novel virus that is minor to some, but deadly to others.
Once my labs and appointment is complete, I will share my new normal. My new normal with cancer drugs. As always, I will be transparent and most likely oversharing the side-effects and how it may impact my daily life.
For now, we are living life in our virtual world, overrun by Zoom conference calls. My hair is still growing at a snail's pace, which only vindicates me for buying so many wigs! Yes, my hair fell out in September. Chemo ended in December, but my hair didn't start growing until mid-January. It will be many months before I have a head full of hair. I needed all of my girls (Miranda, Drew, Marion, Cameron, Rosie, too name a few). Vindicated, I say laughingly!
Everyone, please heed the warnings. Be smart and keep your family safe. Some of us are invincible, but many of us are not. Time will tell. The truth will be told on the pages in the novel Corona virus, found in the horror section.